AUDITIONS – Miracle on South Division Street – 6/24 & 6/25 at 7pm

Miracle on South Division Street
Written by Tom Dudzick
Directed by Bill Peckham

Performances: September 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 2018

Auditions: Sunday, June 24 and Monday, June 25, 2018 (at 7PM)

Meet the Nowak’s of Buffalo, N.Y. Clara and her three grown kids have always known they were special, ever since the miraculous night in 1942 when the Blessed Mother appeared to Grandpa in his barbershop! Daughter Ruth unveils her plan to write a play about the family miracle. The results are heartfelt and hilarious.

This comedy/drama takes place in the kitchen of the Novak family in a rundown section of Buffalo, NY. In

2010 and consists of four actors (3 females/1 male):

CLARA (approx. 50-65 yrs.) – 1st generation Polish, but still stuck in the “old country”, has a charmingly naive old world peasant air about her.
RUTH, Clara’s daughter (30’s) – has a positive energy, somewhat awkward, theatrical. Wants to write a play about the family.
JIMMY, Clara’s son (30-ish) – wears sloppy knock-around clothes, fixes things, comical, observant.
BEVERLY, Clara’s daughter (late 30’s) – sarcastic, witty, but family devotee, parties, bowls.

Although the family is Polish, no accents are necessary for auditions. All readings will be taken from the script

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“A Sprightly, Gentle Comedy” ~ The New York Times