Spotlight Issue: August 2002

County Players Presents
‘Night, Mother

County Players, Inc

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. presents the first show of the 2002/2003 season, Night, Mother, which will open at the theater on Friday, September 13, and continue on Saturday, September 14, again on Fridays and Saturdays, September 20 and 21, 27 and 28, at 8:00 PM.

Winner of the 1983 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, this play is a beautifully stirring struggle between an adult daughter who is intent on leaving life and her mother who is equally determined to fend off her child’s death. In this brilliant lament, Jessie and Mama go through the highs and lows inevitable in a life and death struggle. These powerful women run an emotional gauntlet and take the audience with them into the core of their beings. They speak truth, not always pretty, but always human. Rachel Cassidy, director, has selected Zsuzsa Manna to play daughter, Jessie, and Julie Eads Woolley to play mother, Thelma. Production manager, Joe Cassidy, announced the technical crew as follows: Joe Pettignano, stage manager; Leslie Orr, assistant stage manager; Bill Peckham, set designer; Doug Woolley, set construction head; Tery Petrella, head of set decor and props; Jeff Wilson, lighting designer; and Steve Stefanchik, sound designer/operator. Individual adult tickets are $15.00, seniors and children under 12 are $12.00. Reservations may be made by calling the box office – (845) 298-1491. VISA and MasterCard are accepted and must accompany phone reservations. For any other information, call Joe Cassidy at (845) 454-1916 or email at RAKKCASS@AOL.COM

Season Subscriptions Available

Season Subscriptions are available through September. If you need a flyer mailed to you or a friend, call Julie at 485-3002. If you already mailed in your request, we plan to mail your tickets by the week of August 19. Box office hours for ‘night Mother are Sept. 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. Tickets for individual shows are available for sale after season tickets are mailed out. Any questions? Call Julie at 485-3002.

Upcoming Auditions

Auditions for the great Neil Simon play Broadway Bound will be held on Sunday and Monday, September 15 and 16 at 7:00 PM at the theater in Wappingers Falls. Production dates are November 15, 16, 22, 23, 29, 30, 2002. Needed are 4 men ages 20 to 50, and 2 women ages 20 to 50. For more information, please contact production manager Doug Woolley at 485-3002.

Auditions for Over the River and Through the Woods will be held on Sunday and Monday, November 17 and 18, 2002 at 7:00 PM at the theater. Needed are 3 men and 3 woman, ages 20’s to 80’s. For more information, contact director Rian Keating at 265-4420.

Auditions for the spring musical Grease! will be held Sunday, January 19, 2003 at 4:00 P.M. and Monday, January 20, 2003 at 7:00 P.M. For more information contact director Tom Lawrence at 485-5848.

County Players History

Ten years ago: In September 1992, County Players opened its 35th season with the musical You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown! directed by Tom Lawrence. This was the first show in the theater since our major renovation “Stage Fright” where we replaced the electrical systems, walls, and stage in the theater.

Twenty years ago: In September 1982, County Players held auditions for the dramatic play The Little Foxes by Lillian Hellman. That show, which was directed by Rose Mastrovito, featured local actor Jim Klosty. Jim has been very prolific throughout his acting career having appeared in dozens of productions for various theater companies throughout the Hudson Valley.

Directors Wanted

County Players, Inc., seeks individuals interested in directing for its 2003–2004 season. Those interested should contact Tom Lawrence at 485-5848 or at no later than September 15. Packets on how to submit credentials and plays will be mailed at that time. We are constantly seeking newcomers for all aspects of production. If you’ve considered directing for us but have held back, please consider taking the plunge.

From the President

Welcome to another exciting season of County Players. We start off our year with the powerful drama ‘night, Mother directed by Rachel Cassidy.

I want to thank the cast and crew of 1776 for making our spring musical a huge success.

We had a small change in our board since the annual meeting. Kathleen Ceng decided to leave the board after several years of service. While we will miss Kathy at monthly board meetings, we know that she will continue to be involved in CP. You will still see her smiling face in the box office, and maybe on stage occasionally, too. I want to thank Kathy for her hard work and dedication serving on the board. Replacing Kathy on the board is Jennifer Turoff, who has already choreographed three shows for CP, and brings to the table many new ideas. Jenn will be taking over for Kathy on the Spotlight, and she is also working to help us to better coordinate our volunteers. Welcome to the board, Jenn!

We are currently working on a large project to erect a Quonset hut on our scene shop property. This will give County Players a very large additional area for storing furniture, scenery, and other items that we use on the stage. If you would like to help with this project, or if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at:

Jeff Wilson – President

Donate Stock to CP!

County Players has set up an account whereby we can accept transfers of active/maturing investment vehicles as gifts/donations, or in payment for benefactor or angel membership subscriptions. You may want to check with your financial advisor to determine potential tax benefits. For information, contact Peter Edman, Treasurer, at (845) 297-7521 or e-mail