Spotlight Issue: November 1997

County Players Proudly Presents
The Shadow Box

County Players, Inc. presents the award winning play The Shadow Box, November 7,8,14,15,21, and 22, at 8:00 PM. Tickets are $12.00 for adults and $10.00 for senior citizens and children under 12.

A 1977 Tony and Pulitzer Prize Winner The Shadow Box takes place in 1977 in 3 separate cottages on hospital grounds. The hospice program was in its early stages at this time and experimental. The plot focuses on 3 individuals who are at various stages of disease. Their story is coming to terms with family members who are faced with losing someone they love. The play takes you on a journey. There is pain, sorrow, anger, but also much humor as each person tries to find their way towards acceptance. The pervading emotion is hope. The noteworthy cast includes Todd Caster, Bernice Edman, Doug Woolley, Julie Eads Woolley, Don Creighton, Connie Lopez, Joe Jervais, Zsuzsa Manna, and Sean Donnavan.

The show is being directed by Bill Peckham who is a veteran director with County Players. Remember Steel Magnolias, A Few Good Men and Inherit the Wind? Bill also directed Rashamon with Rhinebeck Theater Society. Peckham says that he had found directing The Shadow Box extraordinarily fulfilling and says, ‘I saw the play 15 years ago and was impressed by the powerful images it creates for actors as well as the audience. As a director it is the ultimate challenge. If I can get the audience to laugh and cry in the same two hours, I’ve struck a cord.”

To obtain for this award winning play, call County Players Box Office at 298-1491. Visa and Mastercard now accepted.

Upcoming Auditions

Director Jewel Geissinger Ratzlaff is seeking 9 individuals to fill the roles for the mystery-drama, The Runner Stumbles. Milan Stitt wrote the play based on the true story of a murdered nun in Michigan. Auditions will be held on Sunday, Nov. 16, and Monday, Nov. 17 at 7:00 PM. Needed are 5 men and 4 women ages 17-60 years old. Production dates in February 1998. For more information, please call director Jewel at 896-4126.

Auditions for Anything Goes by Cole Porter will be held on Sunday, Jan. 18, Monday, Jan. 19, and Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 7:00 PM. A cast of 35-40 people is needed. Production dates are in May 1998. For more information, please call director Tom Lawrence at 485-5848.

40th Anniversary Ruby Season

We’ve created some special items to celebrate Forty years County Players. Some are available to you now. You may have seen some of our regular members wearing a golf shirt with the County Players logo. Or you could have seen a tote bag with a ruby shaped inscription. Maybe it was the sweatshirt warn by one of our box office people. Now you, too, can own one of these items to join us in celebration. On your next visit, why not stop by the box office and pick up one or two? Open collar shirt is $12.00, sweatshirts are $15.00 and totes and unbelievable $8.00!

In preparation for our Anniversary events, we’re developing an address list of people who have worked with and/or supported County Players in any capacity over the last 40 years. If you have a friend or relative who has left the area or someone who may not be on our current mailing list who would like to know of the 40th Anniversary Celebrations, please send their address to us c/o Rachel Cassidy, 76 Martin Drive, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 or E-Mail: RAKKCASS THANKS!

Road Trip!

County Players is interested in sponsoring a bus load of interested theater goers to see the E. L. Doctorow musical Ragtime. A chartered bus will be provided for the round trip venture to see a matinee performance of this heralded musical. Tentative date is Saturday, April 25, 1998. Orchestra seats are available at $76.00. Rear and balcony seats range from $41.00 to $58.50. The cost of the coach would be prorated but will note exceed $12.50 per person, round trip. For those interested please call Joe or Rachel Cassidy at 454-1916. Reservations must be made before December 15th, 1997.

Ushers Always Needed

Want to help out at the theater but can’t make a big commitment? Have an extra weekend evening free? Ushering could be just the thing for you! If you could usher for any performance of The Shadow Box, please call Grace Padworski at 297-8527 or Holly Padworski at 831-7169

From the President

Congratulations to the cast, crew and production staff of our 40th anniversary season opener, The Sunshine Boys, for an excellent job! Thanks to everyone involved for all of your hard work and dedication.

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On September 28th, we had the pleasure of attending the March of Dimes “Best of the Hudson Valley”. County Players was voted BEST THEATRICAL GROUP by The Hudson Valley Magazine’s Reader’s Poll. Sincere thanks to Kathy Morris, Kim Catucci, and Joe Stifano for assisting me at our booth that evening. In addition, a big thank you to Director Tom Lawrence, Pianist Joel Flowers and the cast from A Broadway Melody for providing live entertainment. Congratulations to Eileen Black of Poughkeepsie, Maureen DiCorcia of Hyde Park, and Candy Magliano of New Windsor, who were our 3 ticket winners from our booth drawing.

As the 40th Season moves ahead, The Board continues to initiate projects which will enhance our building. Sometimes, they are not always obvious to our audience members. This time we are tackling the removal of an underground storage tank that is located in our paint area right off of the lobby. Since the removal will be a massive undertaking, it was necessary for us to contract with tank removal experts in order to have it properly disassembled and removed. Plans for this newly found space consist of installing shelving to store set paint, cleaning items, and many other miscellaneous item.

Now that our 40th Anniversary membership drive is officially over, final figures show that County Players’ now has over 1,00 members! Our new computerized box office system has proven to be quick and efficient, and its use has definitely reduced the pre-show congestion at the Box Office.

Anna Marie Creighton, President

Box Office Update

For your convenience and so that we may better serve you, we will be extending our Box Office hours. Please call 298-1491 where the newly extended Box Office hours are:

5 days prior to opening – every night 6:00 to 9:00 PM.
After open till final performance – Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 6:00 to 9:00 PM.

To provide more efficient service to our customers, County Players is changing its Box Office Reservation Policy. Now in Effect, all non-subscription tickets must be purchased as described below. We can no longer accept unpaid reservations. Payment may be made in one of the following ways: 1. Call the Box Office at 298-1491. Purchase your ticket by using your MasterCard or VISA. 2. Purchase your ticket by mailing a check to the box office. 3. Tickets may be purchased by check, cash or credit card at the Box Office during regular Box Office hours or on the evening of performance. 4. Tickets purchased at least two weeks prior to the show date will be mailed to you. Others will be held for you at the Box Office. 5. Regrettably, there are no refunds

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. Exchanges can be made for another performance of the same play. Call the Box Office for specifics.