Spotlight Issue: November 1999
County Players Presents
Dancing at Lughnasa
County Players, Inc. presents the romantic drama Dancing At Lughnasa, November 19, 20, 26, 27, 1999 and December 3, 4, 1999 at 8:00 PM at the County Players Falls Theater in Wappingers Falls NY. Tickets are $12.00 for Adults and $10.00 for Senior and Children under 12.
Dancing At Lughnasa is a 1992 Tony and Drama Critics award winner, written by Brian Friel. This touching and extraordinary play is the story of five unmarried sisters eking out their lives in a small village in Ireland in 1936. We meet them at the time of the festival of Lughnasa, where their only link to the world outside comes from the radio. Dancing At Lughnasa is a romantic memory drama as told to us by the illegitimate son of one of the sisters, as he remembers the five women who raised him. Disturbances that happened that summer are revealed and from those events spring the cracks that destroy the foundation of the family forever. The talented ensemble cast includes: Elaine Haskell, Kathleen Morris, Jessica Browne, Paula Conroy, Heather McNeil, Douglas Woolley, Tyler Barden and George Conrad. Dancing At Lughnasa is the quintessential Irish Drama.
Bill Peckham is a veteran director with County Players as well as other local Theater groups. Some of Bill’s most recent directorial credits for County Players include: A Few Good Men, Steele Magnolias, Inherit The Wind and The Shadow Box. Peckham has also been seen in front of the footlights in many productions as well as being responsible for designing over 80 sets for County Players. When asking Bill what made him choose to direct this play he said, “I had just returned from Ireland and had read the play and loved the romance of it. The play is a beautifully written memory play. A classic piece of Irish work”
To obtain tickets for this great human drama, call the County Players Box Office at 298-1491. Visa and Mastercard now accepted.
Upcoming Auditions
Auditions for Moon Over Buffalo by Ken Ludwig will be held Sunday and Tuesday, November 21, 23, 1999 at 7:00 PM at County Players Falls Theater, 15 W. Main Street, Wappingers Falls
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. Moon Over Buffalo is a broad comedy, with hilariously farcical situations. The action centers on George and Charlotte Hay, fading stars of a repertory theatre circuit in the 1950s. The couple has just lost their last chance at stardom, leads in the Capra movie, The Scarlet Pimpernel. To make matters worse, the company ingenue (Eileen) is pregnant. Add to the mix a deaf grandmother and resident costume mistress (Ethel), a New York lawyer who is smitten by Charlotte (Richard), and a love triangle of Rosalind (the daughter), Howard (the forgetful weatherman), and Paul (the young leading man of the company), and you have the soup that makes up this PG-13 farce! When George’s agent calls to say that Frank Capra will be attending the matinee, pandemonium breaks loose. George is missing, and the company doesn’t know if they are playing Noel Coward’s Private Lives or Rostand’s Cyrano de Bergerac. The plot is full of mistaken identity, misunderstandings, misplaced affections, and missing persons. On Broadway in 1995, the show premiered with Carol Burnett as Charlotte and Philip Bosco as George. Needed are four women and four men. Production dates are in February, 2000. For more information, call director Lou Miressi at 229-1964.
County Players History
Twenty years ago: In October 1979, County Players was about to open its 22nd season with A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. It was also the debut of the CP mini stages (left and right) which have since seen action in many County Players productions such as Anything Goes and South Pacific. The mini stages were designed and executed by our founder, John T. Sloper.
Ten years ago: In October 1989, the Spotlight changed format from a hand-typed legal sized page (8 ½ x 14 inches) to a computer printed 8 ½ x 11 inch format complete with graphics. This change was brought in by Anna Marie Creighton who later became CP President and will be directing The Secret Garden later this season.
!! Season Schedule Change !!
County Players will be unable to present Same Time Next Year as originally planned due to restricted rights. Each play we produce is copyrighted material. The owners of the copyright can restrict the use of their material for any reason. When we asked for a contract on Same Time Next Year we found out the rights were restricted. In the February slot we will instead produce the hilarious Ken Ludwig piece Moon Over Buffalo. We deeply regret this last minute change. If this situation is unacceptable to any of our Season Ticket holders, please contact the box office.
From the President
Those of you who saw Baby sat in our new seats and walked over our new carpet. Thanks to Pete Edman and Joe Cassidy and crews for getting these impressive projects done. The Board of Governors is proud of the work accomplished to make our Theater a gem in the Hudson Valley.
Peter and Bernice Edman were honored on October 14 at the Dutchess County Executive’s Arts Awards with a Special Citation. The Edmans have given their lifeblood to County Players and have been supportive of other local theatre groups through their patronage and support. The Company is honored to count the Edmans among our numbers and thank them for their endless support.
Next on the Boards is Dancing at Lughnasa by Brian Friel. Join us for this interesting journey through rural Ireland in the 1930s. You’ll be glad you did.
Tom Lawrence – President
Mailing List Purge
We currently have over 1800 names on our mailing list. The larger the list, the more difficult and expensive to maintain. Therefore, we occasionally go through and request that anyone who is really interested in keeping their name active on our list respond to this call. Here’s how it works: If you are a member/season ticket holder you don’t need to do anything. Members are automatically on the mailing list. If you are not a member/season ticket holder all you need to do is return the address label above – just tear off the top of the newsletter or return the whole thing. Put it in an envelope and send it to:
County Players Spotlight
15 West Main St.
Wappingers Falls, NY 12590
Please make sure to affix proper postage. If we do not receive your label by year end 1999, we will drop your name and address from our mailing list.