Spotlight Issue: August 2001

County Players Presents
Moon Over the Brewery

County Players, Inc. presents the romantic comedy, Moon Over the Brewery, as its season opener. The play, written by Bruce Graham and directed by Lynne Farrell, will be presented Sept. 7, 8, 14, 15, 21 and 22, 2001 at 8:00 PM at the County Players Falls Theater, 2681 West Main St. in Wappingers Falls. Tickets are $15 ($12 for seniors and children under 12).

The play is set in a Pennsylvania coal town with a cast of characters that are far from drab. Miriam Waslyk (Kathy Ceng) is just your typical single mom. You know the type – waitress at the local diner by day, an artist that paints only the moon by night, and a 13-year-old daughter with an IQ of 160. Miriam’s life may not be quite average and she is plagued with the same concerns of single parents as they try to bring a little romance into their lives.

When Miriam brings home Warren Zimmerman (Jim Farrell), the mailman, 13 year old Amanda (Amanda Tudesco) is less than impressed. After all, why bother with the boring guy next door type when you can have perfection, a.k.a. Randolph (Jeremy Robbins)? Charming, quick-witted, dramatic, and not to mention the man’s fabulous fashion sense, Randolph sounds just too good to be real. In fact, Randolph can only be seen by Amanda. However, that doesn’t stop him from aiding and abetting Amanda in her plot to oust Warren from her and Miriam’s lives. For Miriam, Warren is just what the doctor ordered. And we discover that the average guy next door can turn out to be a prince

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. Moon Over the Brewery is a touching, well crafted play, done in fine romantic comedy tradition.

CP welcomes Lynne Farrell to the director’s seat. A newcomer to County Players, Lynne is a seasoned director and actor. A couple of Lynne’s directorial credits are Sid Vicious Does the Dishes and Porcupines done Off Off-Broadway. Ms Farrell has performed several professional stage roles and she certainly isn’t camera shy. She spent five years as a regular on The Young and the Restless and has had numerous guest starring roles on prime time network TV. When asked about this play Farrell states, “The play addresses some contemporary issues with a light touch, but in an inventive and entertaining format.” Lynne is enjoying her first CP directing experience and is proud of the talented cast that has brought her vision to life.

To obtain tickets for this season opener, call the County Players Box Office at 298-1491.

Upcoming Auditions

Auditions for the musical She Loves Me will be held on Sunday, September 9 and Monday, September 10 at 7:00 PM at the theater in Wappingers Falls. Production dates are November 30, December 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 2001. Please prepare a song from the show or any Broadway musical which can demonstrate your vocal ability. You can also expect a movement audition and line readings. Needed are 5 men ages 15 to 70, 5 women ages 22 to 70 and a chorus of 16 people. For more information, please contact director Rian Keating at 265-4420.

Auditions for Terra Nova, a dramatic piece about the race for the south pole between Scott and Amundsen in 1910, will be held on Sunday and Monday, December 2 and 3, 2001 at 7:00 PM at the theater. Needed are 6 men and 1 woman, ages 30’s to 50’s. For more information, contact director Zsuzsa Manna at 227-3628.

County Players History

Ten years ago: In September 1991, County Players presented One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest directed by Jill Zaitchick. Joe Doran held the lead role opposite Michaele Lettire. The show also featured your editors – Kathy (Morris) Ceng and Kevin Barnes.

Twenty years ago: During the summer of 1981, County Players sponsored a group of young actors aptly named The Young Players. These youngsters – aged 14 to 19 – produced a version of the musical You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown for summer audiences. Since then, we’ve had several workshops and special summer programs. Anyone interested in sponsoring such a program should contact the Board of Governors with a proposal.

Ticket Prices

In order to keep pace with rising production costs, the Board of Governors has elected to increase ticket prices to $15 for all shows ($12 for seniors and children under 12). Season tickets are still just $45 which is like getting one show for free. Call the Box Office at 298-1491 for more information.

From the President

We have an exciting new season for you, starting off with the comedy Moon Over the Brewery. We have two new directors this season plus two who have worked with us before. We have two musicals (She Loves Me and 1776), a drama (Terra Nova), and the comedy mentioned above.

As you know, everyone at County Players is a volunteer. Everything that needs to be done to keep this company running, from selling tickets to sewing costumes, from building sets to acting, and much more, is done by volunteers. We can always use more help; no experience necessary. Most of our “experts” started out by just showing up at a work party with no previous experience. Through working with us, they have become lighting designers, set designers, costumers, stage managers, and much, much more (even Presidents.) And they had a lot of fun and made a lot of friends along the way!

I started out with CP in 1991, singing in the Chorus in Camelot. And I showed up on a Saturday to help build sets. Since then I have learned lighting, sound, box office, stage management, even directing!

So volunteer. You might be the president of CP some day! See our website ( for more information, or give us a call (298-1491).

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email me at:

Jeff Wilson – President

Message Board

Our message board is back in action! We found a new provider and have started monitoring the chat. So post to your heart’s content! To reach our message board, simply link to our web site ( and scroll down until you see the heading for the message board. Then click on the link and you’re there!

Button, Button!

Who’s got the button? And the rest of the costume, for that matter? We at County Players do what we can to support all kinds of theatrical endeavors in the Hudson Valley. This included the loan of CP property such as costumes. In some instances, these items have not been returned and that hurts everyone. If you have or know of someone who has any costume items belonging to County Players, please contact Dilys Clark at 297-3228 to make arrangements to return them. Thank you.