Auditions for THE LAST FIVE YEARS – August 14 & 15 at 7pm
Book, music and lyrics by Jason Robert Brown
Directed by Anna Marie Paolercio
Musical direction by Joel Flowers
Sunday, August 14 at 7 p.m.
Monday, August 15 at 7 p.m.
Performance Dates: November 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 2016
THE LAST FIVE YEARS is a contemporary song-cycle musical that ingeniously chronicles the five year life of a marriage, from meeting to break-up… or from break-up to meeting, depending on how you look at it
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1 female / 1 male
CATHERINE HIATT | Female, 25-35, vocal range: F3 – D#5 Character arcs from an ambitious, fresh-faced girl in a new relationship to a woman stunned by a betrayal and a divorce that she is only beginning to understand.
JAMIE WELLERSTEIN | Male, 25-35, vocal range: A2 – Bb4 Character arcs from an ambitious guy on a promising first date with a dazzling career to someone who is blinded by success and ego. He is very lovable, yet makes unintentional choices that sabotages his own happiness.
Audition Requirements
16-32 Bars of a contemporary music theatre piece
For more information, please contact director Anna Marie Paolercio @ or 845-464-2367