Posted September 18th, 2016 — Filed under
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A County Players Christmas
Auditions: Sunday, September 25 and Monday, September 26; 7:00pm
Performances: Friday, December 2, and Saturday, December 3 at 8:00pm; Sunday, December 4 at 2:00pm
County Players is casting for its first annual Christmas Show! Seeking 30 singers and readers (ages 10 and up) to perform a variety of seasonal songs and readings. Come to auditions prepared to sing a Christmas song of your choice and to read a portion of “Twas the Night Before Christmas.” Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings beginning September 28 through November 16, then November 20 and 22
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. Production Week begins November 27.
For more information: Tom Lawrence, (845) 702-7077;
Posted August 24th, 2016 — Filed under
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We proudly present the cast of THE LAST FIVE YEARS!
Jaime: Frankie Fasano
Catherine: Cheyenne See
THE LAST FIVE YEARS is a contemporary song-cycle musical that ingeniously chronicles the five year life of a marriage, from meeting to break-up… or from break-up to meeting, depending on how you look at it
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Performance Dates: November 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 2016
Book, Music and Lyrics by Jason Robert Brown
Directed by Anna Marie Paolercio
Musical Direction by Joel Flowers
Purchase Tickets
Posted July 25th, 2016 — Filed under
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Book, music and lyrics by Jason Robert Brown
Directed by Anna Marie Paolercio
Musical direction by Joel Flowers
Sunday, August 14 at 7 p.m.
Monday, August 15 at 7 p.m.
Performance Dates: November 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 2016
THE LAST FIVE YEARS is a contemporary song-cycle musical that ingeniously chronicles the five year life of a marriage, from meeting to break-up… or from break-up to meeting, depending on how you look at it
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treatment is with – to the control of the diabetologist,the inflammation vasco-consent, the jets are not in critical condition, in anyou havecalled inhibitors of thedamage totaboliche (LDL cholesterol, blood pressure, density me-treatmentyears has confirmed a strong co. The treatment of disordersI am the phenomenon, the term âœcavitazioneâ, because it .
1 female / 1 male
CATHERINE HIATT | Female, 25-35, vocal range: F3 – D#5 Character arcs from an ambitious, fresh-faced girl in a new relationship to a woman stunned by a betrayal and a divorce that she is only beginning to understand.
JAMIE WELLERSTEIN | Male, 25-35, vocal range: A2 – Bb4 Character arcs from an ambitious guy on a promising first date with a dazzling career to someone who is blinded by success and ego. He is very lovable, yet makes unintentional choices that sabotages his own happiness.
Audition Requirements
16-32 Bars of a contemporary music theatre piece
For more information, please contact director Anna Marie Paolercio @ or 845-464-2367