Renew Subscriptions by June 1, 2016

It’s that time again … that is to renew season subscription tickets for County Players Falls Theatre.


  • Our deadline to renew seats for season 59 is a little earlier this year … June 1st.  So this is a friendly reminder because June 1st is just days away!
  • If you would like to renew, you may do so by clicking here. To renew online, you will need your account number and reservation ID from the postcard that was mailed to you in March.
  • Also, you may mail a check along with your membership renewal form from the recent 2016-2017 brochure that was mailed to you ..

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    . or perhaps you picked one up the last time you were at County Players.

  • Or it may be easier to call the Box Office and leave a message at 845-298-1491.  You can request that Julie return your call if you would like to process your order over the phone.
  • This year, for the first time, we can offer you the flexibility of our new Flex Vouchers.  If you would like more information about those, please call the Box Office at 845-298-1491.
  • A reminder that our SUMMER SERIES kicks off on June 24, 25 and 26 with All American: Big Band Style! and continues in July with Broadway’s Kids.
  • Thank you for supporting County Players … and we hope you will continue to do so!