Spotlight Issue: July 1997
Broadway Melody
It’s hard to believe that County Players is really 40 years old-but we are! So join us for the beginning of our season of celebration with Broadway Melody, a musical revue that will bring you selections of 40 years of County Players’ musicals. The show, conceived and directed by Tom Lawrence, a veteran of the CP stage also features a talented cast including: Sylvia Propfe, Jennifer MacClay, Shannon McElroy, Holly Padworski, Chris Propfe, Debbie Marchetti, Andy Abramovich, Carl LaCascia, Paul Coleman, Marco Paz, Ted Martel, and Brian Dano. Some lucky CP members had the opportunity to hear previews from the show at our annual meeting, so take it from them-it’s going to be a good time!
Broadway Melody will feature highlights from some of our most memorable shows including: Gypsy, The Music Man, Company, West Side Story, Camelot, The Sound of Music, and Man of LaMancha to name a few. Performances will be July 11, 12, 18, and 19 with curtain at 8:00 PM sharp. Ticket prices are $10, please call the box office at 298-1491 to purchase tickets.
Season Membership Drive
You’ve always enjoyed County Players’ productions in the past and this season will be no different. Send in your membership flyer now to insure the best available seats and have your season tickets by September. Your Membership support is vital to our continued success.
Renewing subscribers must renew by July 14 to keep the same seat assignments as last year. If you request different seats than last season, you give up ownership of your current seats and they cannot be guaranteed should your new request be unavailable. If you need a Membership flyer, or have a question, call 298-1491 and leave a message.
Program Ads
Are you interested in placing an ad in the County Players season program? We are currently putting together our 1997-1998 season program, and would love to have you be a part of that. Advertising rates are very reasonable-especially when you consider that over 8,000 theatergoers come to our shows each season. If you want more information regarding program advertising, contact Anna Marie Creighton at 463-0918. But don’t wait-our deadline for advertising space is Friday, August 1, 1997.
Audition Announcement
Auditions for The Shadow Box by Michael Cristofer will be held on Sunday, Sept. 14 and Monday, Sept. 15 at 7:00 PM. Needed are 4 men and 4 women ages 20 – 80 years old and 1 boy age 15-17. Production dates are in November. For more information, please call director Bill Peckham at 473-5807 after 4:30.
Auditions for The Runner Stumbles by Milan Stitt will be held on Sunday, Nov. 16, and Monday, Nov. 17 at 7:00 PM. Needed are 5 men and 4 women ages 17-60 years old. Production dates in February 1998. For more information, please call director Jewel Geissinger Ratzlaff at 896-4126.
Auditions for Anything Goes by Cole Porter will be held on Sunday, Jan. 18, Monday, Jan. 19, and Tuesday, Jan. 20 at 7:00 PM. A cast of 35-40 people is needed. Production dates are in May 1998. For more information, please call director Tom Lawrence at 485-5848.
40th Anniversary Ruby Season
Help launch our Ruby Anniversary season on Saturday, August 23, 1997 at 8:00 PM. Join us for a special In-Theater Reception featuring the bounty of the Hudson Valley. It’s free, it’s open to the public and it’s a great opportunity to meet the people who have been bringing you great theater for 40 years
. There will be refreshments (soft drinks and wine) and a buffet of appetizers and snacks. You’ll see sets under construction. You’ll be able to go backstage and see the theater from an actor’s viewpoint. It will be a wonderful evening and we sincerely hope you can join us.
In preparation for our Anniversary events, we’re developing an address list of people who have worked with and/or supported County Players in any capacity over the last 40 years. If you have a friend or relative who has left the area or someone who may not be on our current mailing list who would like to know of the 40th Anniversary Celebrations, please send their address to us c/o Rachel Cassidy, 76 Martin Drive, Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 or E-Mail: RAKKCASS THANKS!
Box Office Update
For your convenience and so that we may better serve you, we will be extending our Box Office hours. Please call 298-1491where the newly extended Box Office hours will be announced. Thank you for your patience during this transition.
To provide more efficient service to our customers, County Players is changing its Box Office Reservation Policy. Beginning this summer, all non-subscription tickets must be purchased as described below. We can no longer accept unpaid reservations. Payment may be made in one of the following ways:
1. Call the Box Office at 298-1491. Purchase your ticket by using your MasterCard or VISA. Tickets purchased at least two weeks prior to the show date will be mailed to you. Others will be held for you at the Box Office.
2. Tickets may be purchased by check, cash or credit card at the Box Office during regular Box Office hours or on the evening of performance.
From the President
To begin, I would like to individually thank everyone who worked so hard to make this past season another successful one for County Players. We had many new people get involved with us this year, both onstage and offstage – and I urge all the newcomers to stay involved. Sincere thanks to all the cast members and production staff of each show, local businesses and individuals who assisted us in providing props, set decor, and “whatever else ” was needed, our program advertisers, and our dedicated audience members – hats off to all of you for your continued support to County Players.
And…special recognition and thanks to Jewel Geissinger Ratzlaff for being our Spotlight Editor for the past four years, and to Maria McCarthy Ringwood and Doug Woolley for serving on CP’s Board of Governors. Jewel has decided to relinquish her title as Spotlight Editor in order to give someone else a chance to publish the upcoming CP events and other newsworthy items. Maria and Doug have volunteered to step down from the Board so that other individuals have the opportunity be a part of CP’s decision-making body. Many thanks to all three individuals for their numerous contributions to CP. And…a big welcome to our new Board members, Kathy Morris and Kevin Barnes. Both individuals have been active with CP for many years, and we are happy to have them join the Board of Governors.
And…if you haven’t noticed, we are now the proud owners of a new marquee. It was installed during A Chorus Line, and it really looks wonderful! Thanks to Doug Woolley, Bill Peckham and Peter Edman for coordinating this project and being so diligent with its installation.
And.. remember, don’t be shy – join in on the fun. If you want to become more involved, and you’re just not sure how – give me a call and I’ll give you some hints. Thanks for your continued support! –Anna Marie Creighton