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CP2 Readers Theatre Auditions – January 21 at 1pm & 3pm

CP2 Auditions

CP2 MiniFestival Auditions

CP2 Readers Theatre offers an exciting opportunity for actors, directors, and audience members to experience theater in a fresh way, with full dramatic readings of selected plays. No costumes, no sets, no props, and the actors perform with scripts in hand. These shows are an incredible opportunity to experience great theater stripped to its essence: the playwright’s words.

CP2 is sponsored by Powerhouse Theater and Stewarts Shops. 









AUDITION DATE: January 21, 2024 at 1pm

MARCH 8 & 9, 2024
Fri 8pm & Sat 2pm

Directed by KIT COLBOURN

Rosalind Franklin was a gifted research scientist who was part of the race to uncover the secrets of DNA in the 1950s. Her more famous contemporaries Watson and Crick took all the kudos for the discovery of the molecule’s double helix structure, yet it was Franklin’s skill with X-ray diffraction that first uncovered what’s called “the secret of life.”


Rosalind Monologue

Rosalind – Wilkins

Rosalind – Gosling

Rosalind – Caspar

Crick – Watson – Wilkins

Caspar Monologue

Photograph 51 is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC, servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection.

Character Breakdown:

Rosalind Franklin – 30’s, a Jewish British scientist. Straightforward and matter-of-fact. Is fully aware of her gifts and intelligence. A woman in a man’s world.

Maurice Wilkins – 30’s-40’s, a British scientist. A bit stiff and formal. Challenges Rosalind. Admires her, but within the constraints of current societal norms.

Ray Gosling – 20’s, a British scientist. Honest and “green.” Earnest and awkward.

Don Caspar – 20’s-30’s, a Jewish American scientist. Open and affable.

James Watson – Early 20’s. Self confident, ambitious, presumptuous. Is never wrong.

Francis Crick – 30’s-40’s, a British scientist, a bit stiff and formal, yet caring, philosophical.

The play takes place in Britain with British characters, so accents are strongly encouraged. But some sort of “mid Atlantic” compromise may work as well if it becomes necessary.


AUDITION DATE: January 21, 2024 at 3pm

MARCH 9 & 10, 2024
Sat 8pm & Sun 2pm


A decade before women gained the right to vote, Henrietta Leavitt and her fellow women “computers” transformed the science of astronomy. While at the Harvard Observatory, Leavitt found 2,400 new variable stars and made important discoveries about their fluctuating brightness, enabling fellow scientists to map the Milky Way and beyond.

Silent Sky, the true story of 19th-century astronomer Henrietta Leavitt, explores a woman’s place in society during a time of immense scientific discoveries, when women’s ideas were dismissed until men claimed credit for them. Social progress, like scientific progress, can be hard to see when one is trapped among earthly complications; Henrietta and her female peers believe in both, and their dedication changed the way we understand both the heavens and Earth.

All roles are available:

HENRIETTA LEAVITT (F, 30-40): Brilliant, determined, a dreamer, hard of hearing (wears a period hearing aid), has never much cared for the “status quo.”

MARGARET LEAVITT (F, 25 – 35): A homebody, genuine, sweet-natured, realist. (Ability to sing a plus.).

PETER SHAW (M, 30 – 40): The head astronomer’s apprentice, reserved, his views have never really been challenged prior to the events of the play. He is in love with Henrietta, as she is with him.

ANNIE CANNON (F, 40 – 50): A leader, tough, sure, grows into a firebrand for the suffrage movement;

WILLIAMINA FLEMING (F, 45 – 60): Scottish, intelligent, witty, warm and outgoing, the first of her kind, smart as a whip and fun. (Role requires a Scottish Accent)

Ages given are playable ages, actors need not specifically fit the given age to audition

Silent Sky is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC, servicing the Dramatists PlayService collection.


Based on the novel, Ragtime by E.L. DOCTOROW

AUDITION Dates: January 14 and 15 at 7pm

MAY 2024
Fri & Sat 8pm | May 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18
Sun Matinee 2pm | May 12, 19
Sat Matinee 2pm | May 18

This musical tapestry depicts an African-American family, a Jewish immigrant family, and a wealthy white suburban family in turn-of-the-century America, who collide in pursuit of the American Dream. Nominated for 13 Tony Awards® including “Best Musical,” and winning for “Best Original Score” and “Best Book of a Musical,” Ragtime is a powerful portrait of life during the turn-of-thecentury, exploring America’s timeless contradictions of freedom and prejudice, wealth, and poverty, hope and despair.

Ragtime is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI, New York, NY.


Ragtime Rehearsal Schedule Draft

TOTAL CAST SIZE – approximately 30-35
Coalhouse Walker Jr.
A proud and talented pianist. A Black man who believes that he can take part in the new America and will be treated fairly.
Gender: Male – Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: A4; Vocal range bottom: G2

Washwoman. Sarah is a young Black woman, beautiful and filled with a strong will to live, fueled by an innocent spirit. Falls deeply in love with Coalhouse after much resistance.
Gender: Female – Age: 20 to 25
Vocal range top: F#5; Vocal range bottom: G#3

The consummate wife and mother. A kind woman with incredible moral fiber. Refined, intelligent, graceful, and open minded.
Gender: Female – Age: 30 to 40
Vocal range top: F#5; Vocal range bottom: G3

Mother’s professionally successful husband. Fancies himself an amateur explorer, he is commanding and attractive. Enjoys being the family breadwinner, a traditionalist.
Gender: Male – Age: 30 to 45
Vocal range top: F4; Vocal range bottom: A2

Younger Brother
Mother’s younger brother. He is an erratic and passionate soul, a firework waiting to be lit. Influenced greatly by Goldman’s teachings.
Gender: Male – Age: 20 to 25
Vocal range top: F#4; Vocal range bottom: B2

Little Boy
Mother and Father’s son. He is open-hearted and curious with inexplicable clairvoyance. Never passes judgement on others.
Gender: Male – Age: 8 to 12
Vocal range top: D5; Vocal range bottom: E4

Mother’s patrician father. He is a retired professor, and easily irritated by nearly everything.
Gender: Male – Age: 60 to 70

A Latvian immigrant. He wears the trials and tribulations of his past on his sleeve but remains optimistic that he will be successful. Full of genuine drive and heart. He lives for his daughter.
Gender: Male – Age: 35 to 45
Vocal range top: F#4; Vocal range bottom: Bb2

Little Girl
Tateh’s daughter. A vulnerable child in a brand-new home, she has lost her mother and is guarded and shy. She clings to her father.
Gender: Female – Age: 7 to 10
Vocal range top: Bb4; Vocal range bottom: C4

Booker T. Washington
Brilliant Black social activist. He is an eloquent and articulate gentleman with no patience for Black Americans leading less than exemplary lives.
Gender: Male – Age: 45 to 55
Vocal range top: Eb4; Vocal range bottom: D3

Emma Goldman
Social activist. Originally from Russia, she is a leader, a fearless advocate for the oppressed.
Gender: Female – Age: 35 to 45
Vocal range top: D5; Vocal range bottom: B3

Evelyn Nesbit
Beautiful vaudeville performer. Thrust into the limelight after the high-profile murder of her lover, the entire world is her stage.
Gender: Female – Age: 18 to 21
Vocal range top: D5
Vocal range bottom: B3

Harry Houdini
The famous magician, originally from Hungary. With notable physical ability, he stands as a symbol of the “American Dream.”
Gender: Male – Age: 25 to 35
Vocal range top: G4
Vocal range bottom: E3

Ensemble/Other roles – size TBD (some roles may also be played by above characters)
Baseball Fans; Coalhouse Supporters; Firemen; Immigrants to America; New Rochelle Citizens; Reporters; Vacationers.

Played by Black actors: Coalhouse Walker Jr., Coalhouse’s Lawyer, Sarah, Booker T. Washington, Harlem Citizens, Henson


1. Prepare 16 bars from a Broadway show tune in similar style to RAGTIME.
2. Dress in comfortable clothing for a movement audition – TBD
3. Readings for only those the casting team determines for principal roles and will be assigned from the MTI script.

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