Dirty-Rotten-Scoundrels-191x259Book by Jeffrey Lane
Music and Lyrics by David Yazbek
Directed by MaryBeth Boylan

May 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 2017

Two con men, a beautiful woman and the elite of the French Riviera collide in this sexy and irreverent farce. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, based on the popular 1988 MGM film, takes us to the French Riviera for hijinks and hilarity. Sophisticated, suave with a good dash of mischief, this hysterical comedy features a delightfully jazzy score by
David Yazbek (The Full Monty) and was nominated for a staggering 11 Tony Awards

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. Lawrence Jameson makes his lavish living by talking rich ladies out of their money. Freddy Benson more humbly swindles women by waking their compassion with fabricated stories about his grandmother’s failing health. After meeting on a train, they attempt to work together only to find that this small French town isn’t big enough for the two of them. They agree on a settlement: the first one to extract $50,000 from a young female target, heiress Christine Colgate, wins and the other must leave town. A hilarious battle of cons ensues that will keep audiences laughing, humming and guessing to the end!

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is sponsored by Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union.

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