“Wait Until Dark” opens tonight at 8pm!
Written by Frederick Knott
Directed by Anna Marie Paolercio
Performance Dates: November 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 2017
Are you afraid of the dark? Wait Until Dark is one of those rare experiences in the theatre, a true thriller that has the potential to make you jump out of your seat
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. Written for the Broadway stage in 1966 by Dial “M” for Murder scribe Frederick Knott and turned into a film starring Audrey Hepburn in 1967, Wait Until Dark still has the power to horrify us. Woven with secret identities, a seedy drug smuggling ring, murder, and the cruel cat-and-mouse game between a blind woman and the trio of criminals who stalk her, this play possesses a white-knuckle suspense. Wait Until Dark is a slow burn that builds in menace until the gripping climactic confrontation between its protagonist Susy Hendrix and the terrifying Roat. We apologize in advance for the increase in your electric bills when you refuse to turn off your lights after seeing it!
Sponsored by Signal Graphics
Season Sponsor: Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union