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CP2 Readers Theatre – An exciting new series at County Players!

CP2 is an exciting new series at County Players. The CP2 Readers Theatre series will be a special opportunity for actors, directors, and audience members alike to experience this unique form of theater with full dramatic readings  of selected plays. No costumes, no sets, no props and the actors perform with their scripts in hand. These shows are an incredible opportunity for anyone who wants to experience great theater focusing on the playwright’s words.

All seats $10 purchased at the door (no reserved seating)

The Weir
Written by Conor McPherson
December 1, 2, 2018

In a bar in rural Ireland, the local men swap spooky stories in an attempt to impress a young woman from Dublin who recently moved into a nearby “haunted” house. However, the tables are soon turned when she spins a yarn of her own.



Yankee Tavern
Written by Steven Dietz
March 2, 3, 2019

Just when you thought you’d heard every crazy 9/11 conspiracy theory, a stranger walks into the Yankee Tavern. There, inside the walls of this crumbling New York tavern, a young couple finds themselves caught up in what might be the biggest conspiracy of all. Steven Dietz’s acclaimed and already widely produced dramatic thriller—a selection of the National New Play Network’s Continued Life Project—is a fierce, funny and ultimately mind-bending work of theatrical power that grips you until the final word. What you don’t know can hurt you

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Miracle on South Division Street
Written by Tom Dudzick
Directed by Bill Peckham

Performances: September 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 2018

Meet the Nowak’s of Buffalo, N.Y. Clara and her three grown kids have always known they were special, ever since the miraculous night in 1942 when the Blessed Mother appeared to Grandpa in his barbershop! Since then, the neighborhood has looked upon the Nowak’s commemorative shrine as a beacon of hope and faith amidst the urban rubble. And now daughter Ruth unveils her plan to write a play about the family miracle. However, as her plans unravel, the family’s faith is shaken to the very core by a deathbed confession. The results are heartfelt and hilarious.



Miracle on South Division Street
Written by Tom Dudzick
Directed by Bill Peckham

Performances: September 7, 8, 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 2018

Meet the Nowak’s of Buffalo, N.Y. Clara and her three grown kids have always known they were special, ever since the miraculous night in 1942 when the Blessed Mother appeared to Grandpa in his barbershop! Since then, the neighborhood has looked upon the Nowak’s commemorative shrine as a beacon of hope and faith amidst the urban rubble. And now daughter Ruth unveils her plan to write a play about the family miracle

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. However, as her plans unravel, the family’s faith is shaken to the very core by a deathbed confession. The results are heartfelt and hilarious.