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CP2 Auditions – Grand Concourse and Uncanny Valley – January 23

CP2 MiniFestival Auditions

CP2 Readers Theatre offers an exciting opportunity for actors, directors, and audience members to experience theater in a fresh way, with full dramatic readings of selected plays. No costumes, no sets, no props, and the actors perform with scripts in hand. These shows are an incredible opportunity to experience great theater stripped to its essence: the playwright’s words.


COVID AUDITION PROTOCOL: At this time, ALL ACTORS AND CREW MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED. PLEASE WEAR A MASK AND BE PREPARED TO SHOW PROOF OF VACCINATION WHEN YOU ARRIVE TO AUDITIONS. The stage manager will provide the audition form (or you may download it from this page, print, fill it out, and bring it with you to the audition.)

SCHEDULE: Be prepared to list all possible conflicts. Rehearsal schedule will be respectful of performers’ time and conflicts. Please note, due to Covid restrictions, fully vaccinated actors planning to audition are asked to carefully consider travel out of state during rehearsals or performances.  County Players will follow current CDC guidelines for domestic and international travel restrictions for Fully Vaccinated individuals.  Note: There are separate sections for both domestic and international travel which are updated as Covid-19 levels fluctuate.

Once inside the theatre, you may be unmasked (if fully vaccinated) and/or to read for the audition.


Auditions date – Sunday, January 23
1-3pm – GRAND CONCOURSE by Heidi Schreck

Directed by Dorothy Luongo

Performances – Friday, March 4 (8pm); Saturday, March 5 (2pm)

Characters: 4

Shelley–late 30s. In charge of the kitchen for 15 years. Catholic non. Former high school basketball star.

Emma–19. Rainbow-colored hair. Loves horror movies. Recently dropped out of college.

Oscar–late 20s-30s. Latino. Security guard working his way through community college. Went through a year of dental school in the Dominican Republic.

Frog–50s-60s. Homeless former intellectual. Writes joke books.

Specifically seeking a diverse cast for this production. Actors of all ethnic and racial backgrounds are encouraged to attend. 


Note on punctuations from the playwright:

Line breaks indicate a shift in thought, and do not necessarily demand a pause. Actors should feel free to play around with the rhythms, and to make choices about punctuation.

“/”indicates where the next line of dialogue should begin.

CP2 Grand Concourse_SIDE A Shelley, Sc. 4

CP2 Grand Concourse_SIDE B Shelley/Emma, Sc. 9

CP2 Grand Concourse_SIDE C Oscar/Emma, Sc. 3

CP2 Grand Concourse_SIDE D Oscar/Frog, Sc. 6

Auditions date – Sunday, January 23
3-5pm – UNCANNY VALLEY by Thomas Gibbons

Directed by Kristin Battersby

Drawing on current research in artificial intelligence and robotics, UNCANNY VALLEY charts the relationship between Claire, a neuroscientist, and Julian, a nonbiological human. As Julian is “born” a few body parts at a time over the course of the play, Claire teaches him how to be as human as possible: mirroring people’s speech, engaging in small-talk, playing a musical instrument. Their deepening friendship and Julian’s growing “humanity” lead to the revelations of an unhealed sorrow in Claire’s personal life and, ultimately, the purpose for which Julian has been created. UNCANNY VALLEY explores the painful divide between creator and creation, the inherent unpredictability of consciousness, and how we are redefining what it means to be human in the twenty-first century.
Characters: 2
Claire – a neuroscientist, 60s-70s.
Motherly warmth, a good sense of humor, and something unhealed within.
Julian – an artificial human, mid 30’s.
Childlike wonder, incredible intelligence, and a greater power to be revealed.
Uncanny Valley – SIDES, Set A
Uncanny Valley – SIDES, Set B
Uncanny Valley – SIDES, Set C

CP2 – Molly Sweeney and Mary’s Wedding – Dec 3 – 5

By Brian Freil
Directed by Cindy Topps
Saturday December 4 (8pm) and Sunday December 5 (2pm)

Three points of view about a poignant drama are related by three characters addressing the audience directly. First there is Molly, blind since early infancy, who describes her world before and after an operation to restore some of her sight. Her husband, Frank, who pushed Molly into this operation, relates his view of his wife’s journey into sightedness and his dealings with her doctor. Molly’s once-famous eye surgeon, Mr. Rice, watches both Molly and Frank and reveals his opinion of them along with his own fears in handling the operation. Through it all we see each character’s painful and happy histories, their memories and the events that led them to meet. Their stories interweave on stage, threading in and around each other’s lives, until the unexpected and touching conclusion to this striking tale.

By Stephen Massicotte
Directed by Christine Crawfis
Friday December 3 (8pm) and Saturday December 4 (2pm)

A love story set against the backdrop of World War I, Mary’s Wedding is an epic, unforgettable story of love, hope, and survival, a moving memorial to both the Great War and great love.






CP2 Bronze Sponsor – LAWRENCE J. PAGGI, PE, PC





CP2 Silver SponsorStewart’s Shops


“Every empty theatre seat is a missed opportunity to change a life.”