“Memphis” Opens On May 6th


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May 6 – 7, 13 – 15, 20 – 22, 2016
Written by: Joe DiPietro and David Bryan
Directed by: Anna Marie Paolercio
Tickets:  Click here.

From the underground dance clubs of 1950s Memphis, Tennessee, comes a hot Broadway musical that bursts off the stage with explosive dancing, irresistible songs and a thrilling tale of fame and forbidden love

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Inspired by actual events, Memphis is about a white radio DJ who wants to change the world and a black club singer who is ready for her big break. Come along on their incredible journey to the ends of the airwaves – filled with laughter, soaring emotion and roof-raising rock ‘n’ roll. Winner of four 2010 Tony Awards including Best Musical, Memphis features a Tony-winning book by Joe DiPietro (I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change and All Shook Up) and a Tony-winning original score with music by Bon Jovi founding member David Bryan.