CP2 MiniFestival Auditions

CP2 Readers Theatre offers an exciting opportunity for actors, directors, and audience members to experience theater in a fresh way, with full dramatic readings of selected plays. No costumes, no sets, no props, and the actors perform with scripts in hand. These shows are an incredible opportunity to experience great theater stripped to its essence: the playwright’s words.

CP2 is sponsored by Powerhouse Theater




AUDITION DATE: August 27, 2023 at 1pm

OCTOBER 13 & 14, 2023
Fri 8pm & Sat 2pm


A celebrated North Carolina baker is thrilled to finally design a wedding cake for her goddaughter. But when she learns the marriage is between two women, she begins to feel conflicted. A surprising and sweet take on a modern-day controversy, steeped in humor and warmth.

The Cake is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of  Samuel French, Inc.

DELLA: Female, late 40s-60s. North Carolinian, born and raised. A religious and socially conservative woman. Warm, genuine, caring; she has a maternal instinct despite the fact that she has no children of her own. An old friend of JEN’s family. Married to TIM. She sees herself as open-minded, but her life hasn’t brought her into contact with many people who challenge the world-view she grew up with. A prolific and enthusiastic baker, she has been chosen as a contestant for The Great American Baking Show.

JEN: Female, 20s to 30s. Born and raised in North Carolina, she has brought her southern manners with her to Brooklyn, where she has made a home with her fiancée, MACY. An experienced event planner with a compulsive attention to detail. Considerate, kind, and enthusiastic, she wants to see the best in people, though she doesn’t always see it in herself. Her traditional upbringing is often at odds with her newfound liberal lifestyle, and planning her lesbian wedding in her hometown brings that tension to a crisis point.

MACY: Female, 20s to 30s. African-American. Born and raised in New York. Progressive, sharp, outspoken. Very confident in her belief system, and she doesn’t hesitate to challenge those who think differently. Innately curious and inquisitive. She has a deep love for JEN, although she is impatient with JEN’s willingness to make allowances for her conservative southern friends and family. She is who she is, and she won’t make compromises to coddle people’s feelings.

TIM: Male, late 40s-60. DELLA’s husband. A good southern boy. He’s a plumber with a great work ethic, who takes pride in providing for his household. He is comfortable in his traditional values, and has never seen any need to question his beliefs. He is loving and loved, though perhaps not completely in touch with his emotions.


AUDITION DATE: August 27, 2023 at 3pm

OCTOBER 14 & 15, 2023
Sat 8pm & Sun 2pm


When the playwright is Paul Rudnick, expectations are geared for a play both hilarious and smart, and The New Century is no exception. It is a provocative and outrageous comedy, featuring a collection of hilarious characters.

The New Century is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC, servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection.

The New Century is a provocative, outrageous comedy, featuring a collection of vivid and hilarious characters. This is a two-act play, with Act I consisting of three lengthy monologues and Act II bringing all of the characters together for the first time.
Helene Nadler – 50’s. A stylish, Long Island matron, the self-proclaimed “most loving mother of all time” to her three gay children.
Mr. Charles – 50’s. A glorious, flamboyant, aging homosexual hounded out of New York by younger gay men who find his style threatening.
Barbara Ellen Diggs – 50’s. A perky Midwestern crafts person and competitive cake decorator who has lost her son to AIDS. Determined optimist.
David Nadler/ Shane – 20’s. David is into leather. Shane is hunky, dim, affable, low-rent boy who is Mr. Charles’s assistant. This is a dual role.
Joann Milderry – 20’s. A studio receptionist w/ a newborn baby. Sweet, shy and apologetic.
Announcer / Narrator – Male Any Age
Ages given are playable ages, actors need not specifically fit the given age to audition
Auditions will be based on a series of cold readings using sides and monologues from the script which will be provided at the audition

AUDITIONS – THE HUMANS – 8/13 & 8/14 at 7pm

COVID AUDITION PROTOCOL: At this time, ALL ACTORS AND CREW MUST BE FULLY VACCINATED. BE PREPARED TO SHOW PROOF OF VACCINATION WHEN YOU ARRIVE TO AUDITIONS. The stage manager will provide the audition form (or you may download it from this page, print, fill it out, and bring it with you to the audition.)

SCHEDULE: Be prepared to list all possible conflicts. Rehearsal schedule will be respectful of performers’ time and conflicts. Please note, due to Covid restrictions, fully vaccinated actors planning to audition are asked to carefully consider travel out of state during rehearsals or performances.


Directed by ANDREW KARL

Sunday August 13 at 7pm
Monday August 14 at 7pm

Fri & Sat 8pm | Nov 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18
Sun Matinee 2pm | Nov 12
Sat Matinee 2pm | Nov 18


“The Humans is a gripping contemporary play containing six characters. The text should be played as realistically as possible. No need for performative gestures or “doing.” Less is more.

***All races, ethnicities, body types, and gender expressions are welcome to audition for any of the roles listed. Thank you.***

Erik: Male presenting, 61

A middle-class Irish Catholic, practical to a fault and very set in his ways; he has sacrificed a great deal over the years in order to provide a good life for his family, but his recent confession has upset the comfortable world he knows; he is trying desperately to reconnect with his wife and cling to his increasingly distant daughters.

Dierdre: Female presenting, 61

Erik’s loyal wife, a devoted mother to Brigid and Aimee; with silent strength, she clings wholeheartedly to traditions, familial duty, and the Catholic faith; the institution of marriage is sacred to her; she very much wishes her family shared this sentiment.

Momo: Female presenting, 79

Erik’s mother, grandmother to Brigid and Aimee; has been afflicted with dementia; for the most part, she remains passive and disconnected but has episodes where she becomes manic and aggressive.

Aimee: Female presenting, 34

Erik and Deirdre’s eldest daughter; both self-conscious and self-deprecating, her career as a lawyer once held great promise; now, her physical and emotional health both suffer; she is deeply, quietly sad, and in intense pain following a breakup from her long-term girlfriend.

Brigid: Female presenting, 26

The younger daughter of the Blake clan, well-meaning but often impractical and dreamy; she has recently moved in with Richard and turned her back on Catholicism, much to the chagrin of her parents; she is half-heartedly pursuing a career in music and attempting to live out her perception of a sophisticated adult lifestyle.

Richard: Male presenting, 38

A worldly-wise graduate student, Richard comes from a wealthy family and has never wanted anything; despite their age difference, he truly loves Brigid and yearns to be accepted by her family.”

Audition Sides

Brigid-Aimee-Starting with “How’s work for you?”

Deirdre-Starting with “Where’s your family, Rich?”

Erik-Richard-Starting with “Work’s good, Erik?”

Momo-All lines

Erik-Starting with “no no,…”


ON GOLDEN POND – Final Weekend!

Directed by BILL PECKHAM

JULY 2023
Fri & Sat 8pm | July 21
Sat Matinee 2pm | July 22

On Golden Pond is a humorous and heartwarming play about love, reconnection, and family. After an unexpected relationship blooms, a family reunites during an unforgettable summer. Come back to the pond one more time and see this American classic.





Bronze Sponsor:  Lehan’s Lawn & Landscaping Inc.

Season 66 is sponsored by Hudson Valley Credit Union 

On Golden Pond is presented by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing, LLC,
servicing the Dramatists Play Service collection.

“. . . a work of rare simplicity and beauty . . .”

“Why can’t you just pick berries and catch
fish and read books, and enjoy this sweet,
sweet time?”